Special Issue of Human Rights Practice (2016, 8, 1) now out focusing on "Documentation, Human Rights and Transitional Justice".
Edited by Elisabeth Baumgartner (swisspeace), Brandon Hamber (INCORE), Briony Jones (swisspeace), Gráinne Kelly (INCORE), and Ingrid Oliveira (swisspeace).
The Special Edition can be viewed here:
- Documentation, Human Rights and Transitional Justice by Elisabeth Baumgartner, Brandon Hamber, Briony Jones, Gráinne Kelly, and Ingrid Oliveira
- Truth Commission Archives as ‘New Democratic Spaces’ by Briony Jones and Ingrid Oliveira
- Practice, Power and Inertia: Personal Narrative, Archives and Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland by Brandon Hamber and Gráinne Kelly (email for a copy)

- The Archive as Confessional: The Role of Video Testimony in Understanding and Remorse by Juliet Brough Rogers
- Arrested Truth: Transitional Justice and the Politics of Remembrance in Kosovo by Gëzim Visoka
- Truth, Evidence, Truth: The Deployment of Testimony, Archives and Technical Data in Domestic Human Rights Trials by Daniela Accatino and Cath Collins
- Tensions in UN Information Management: Security, Data and Human Rights Monitoring in Darfur, Sudan by Róisín Read
Policy and Practice Note
- Official Victims’ Registries: A Tool for the Recognition of Human Rights Violations by Jairo Rivas